The Hermes Standard Initiative: Members Meeting in Shanghai
The Day before the Nepcon Show in Shanghai: The Hermes Standard Initiative Members Meeting
The day before Nepcon, The Hermes Standard Initiative held its third meeting. Welcoming already 56 persons of 32 member companies from all around the world, the meeting gave evidence of the rapidly growing community of companies supporting The Hermes Standard.
At the meeting, the latest proposals for further development of The Hermes Standard were discussed and agreed. In effect, versions 1.0.2 (for basic compliance) and version 1.1 (for the full feature set) were released.
A “Thank You very much” in particular goes to Koh Young, hosting this event and making sure everything was neatly organized and prepared for a very successful meeting.
Mutual Status Update: Implementation and Readiness level
Further, a verbal status update per member took place. First installations took place already in Q1/2018 and more field-tests were started. A first assembly line in the Netherlands already started producing consumer products. Large Automotive and EMS companies are now also starting with the adoption. Latest Q3/2018 we expect a large number of further productive installations.
Speaking numbers, about 30% of the members implemented The Hermes Standard already in (parts) of their portfolio and are ready to sell this equipment. 50% of the parties are in the final implementation and testing stage, intending to release products within the next 3-6 month. The remaining companies – mainly the new members – will focus on implementing The Hermes Standard in order to be ready by Q4 / 2018 respectively Q1 / 2019.