The Hermes Standard Initiative Members Meeting November 2019
The Hermes Standard Initiaitve: 5th Members meeting
On Monday, November 11th – the day before Productronica – the The Hermes Standard Initiative has held its 5th global members meeting. It took place at the Productronica fairgrounds in Munich in order to minimize travel efforts for all participants.
Many thanks go to Rehm Thermal Systems for generously hosting and sponsoring the meeting.

Welcoming Eight New Members
As usual, the A.M. session was used to introduce new members to the rules and procedures of The Hermes Standard Initiative. Right after lunch break, these 8 new members (4IR.UK British Systems, 6TL Engineering, allSMT, CKD, Digitaltest, JOT Automation, kolb Cleaning Technologies and Scheid IT) introduced their selves to the “senior members” of The Hermes Standard Initiative. It is now 58 full members with 8 further companies on the applicants list.
Project Update and Readiness
After the welcome, a mutual status update of projects and general “readiness” was given, proving the impressive progress made in actual implementation and customer acceptance. Shipments of “Hermes enabled” equipment are growing, and multiple projects are already running or further developing. Strong request comes from all regions, with some specifically notable demand from large players for their sites in China and Germany. Gladly, many members confirmed that an increasing number of customers has already made IPC-HERMES-9852 capability a key element of their equipment purchase specifications.
There was a clear understanding that The Hermes Standard already developed forth from a “whisper down the line” interface to a fully use case driven solution for line-integration.
Mutual Learning Experience
Very positive feedback was given from all members regarding recent workshops held for a joint approach towards project implementation and IT/OT infrastructure*. Here, the participants confirmed to see a great opportunity for learning as a members community rather than isolated individuals.
Technical details
Further, technical details and options for effective public communications have been discussed. With this regards, The Hermes Standard Initiative will further enhance their activities to make even more customers aware of the unique options provided with the The Hermes Standard in general and by its “build-in” ability for smooth and seamless integration with IPC CFX for “vertical” communication in particular.
Other topic under discussion included further technical expansions and next steps of alignment with IPC CFX.
On Monday, November 11th – the day before Productronica – the The Hermes Standard Initiative has held its 5th global members meeting. It took place at the Productronica fairgrounds in Munich in order to minimize travel efforts for all participants.
Håkan Sandell (Mycronic) elected as new chair

After two and a half years, the responsibility has now been handed over from Thomas Bliem (ASM, right) to Håkan Sandell, Director Industry 4.0 platform solutions at MYCRONIC (left).
At the regular members meeting of The Hermes Standard Initiative on November 11, 2019, at Productronica Show Ground in Munich, the members elected Håkan Sandell of Mycronic to become the next chair of the initiative.
The handover comes with the key message to all members and users of The Hermes Standard (IPC-HERMES-9852) that the initiative is based on a fully open cooperation of companies working together to bring forward capabilities of electronics manufacturers globally.
The members expressed their gratitude to Thomas for bringing The Hermes Standard to such great shape and wished Håkan all the best for his coming time as Chair of The Hermes Standard Initiative.
Next Meeting
The next members meeting will take place on February 3, 2020, the day before APEX, in San Diego.